Friday, May 28, 2021

What I’m Watching: In Treatment

In Treatment: Season 4, Episode 4 “Brooke – Week 1” (B+)

I had forgotten that, during the first three seasons of this show, Paul would have his own therapy session each week, first with Dianne Wiest’s Gina and then Amy Ryan’s Adele in season three. I thought when I saw the episode’s title that might be the case here, but it seems like it was just a chance to see Brooke in her normal life when she’s not expecting to have to unpack someone else’s personal business. That’s another interesting facet of operating an office out of your home, particularly for therapy, since it means that she already had the setup there for the same dynamic with Rita as she does the rest of the time with her patients. I’m not familiar with actress Liza Colón-Zayas other than from brief research that indicates that she’s married in real life to the underrated David Zayas, best known for “Dexter.” Rita was an immediately memorable presence, someone who knew what it was that Brooke might be trying to hide and had the right questions to prepare to check in with her friend to see how she was really doing. I’ve been a fan of Joel Kinnaman since I saw him on “The Killing,” and he’s done plenty since then, including “House of Cards” and “Altered Carbon,” and I’m eager to see more of the man who Rita knows so well as a bad influence for Brooke who was more than ready to combat his reputation head-on when he came face-to-face with her when he still showed up after Brooke told him not to come.

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