Monday, May 31, 2021

What I’m Watching: The Kominsky Method (Penultimate Episode)

The Kominsky Method: Season 3, Episode 5 “Chapter 21. Near, far, wherever you are” (B+)

Now that everyone is aware of her condition, Roz has taken center stage, and, as usual, she’s pretty set on what she wants to do. Sandy was adamant that he wanted to take care of her rather than have her move into an assisted living facility or go on hospice, and he’s being there for the way that he very much wasn’t when they were actually married. It was sweet to see how they spent the time after that with the montage of Sandy working on the movie and coming back to find Roz asleep in his trailer, and I’m glad that the role appears to have worked out rather than having been a false start. After the painfully overdramatic “Titanic” scene was recreated by two of his students, Sandy shared a very heartfelt sentiment about how death scene monologues aren’t real and the living are irrelevant for the dying which could well serve as a key Emmy clip for Michael Douglas if he deservedly earns another nomination this year for his work. It was not great to learn that Martin’s mother had almost immediately offended Mindy by making a joke about her weight and that Martin had simply giggled rather than admonishing her for it. Telling “Sammy” that there was nothing “sandy” about him was pretty ferocious, and that’s not going to be easy to resolve. I did enjoy the brief appearance by Phoebe and Robbie in which they pitched a philanthropic foundation that almost won Sandy over until they clarified about the salaries they intended to collect. I don’t know what to expect from the finale but this has been a solid and fun season so far.

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