Saturday, May 15, 2021

What I’m Watching: The Mosquito Coast

The Mosquito Coast: Season 1, Episode 4 “Bus Stop” (B-)

I’m quickly losing interest in this show, which is a real disappointment after the fantastic first two hours got me so hooked. I think it’s because there seem to be so many unnecessary detours along the way to wherever this family is headed, and we’re learning precious little about what it is that Allie actually did and why they have to just keep running. Even though we’ve heard multiple mentions of how he’s the only one anyone wants and we almost got the full story before he was interrupted, I’m beginning to think that Margot may have been a major participant in whatever crime he commitment since she was able to so coolly and efficiently switch into protective mode when she saw that her son’s life was in danger. Repeating the exact line that Lucretia said to her about how Charlie wouldn’t be back until she said so, if at all, about Hugo was quite the game-changer, and though Allie is good at talking circles around people and demonstrating just how smart he is, Margot knows how to act and make things happen. I was pleased to see and recognize Bruno Bichir, whose brother Demián is better known in the United States, from projects like “The Bridge” and “Narcos” as Enrique, who was entirely hospitable but then turned far more nefarious when he started to cash in on Chuy’s debt. The fact that Chuy chose to save them was crucial, and I’m not sure how to feel about Allie’s physical reaction to being threatened by Chuy after he told them he was taking the car since I suspect it may have been an act. Either way, now that they’re past this hurdle, I’d like to see more of just this family’s dynamic play out in the final three episodes of the season.

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