Thursday, May 27, 2021

What I’m Watching: Pose

Pose: Season 3, Episode 5 “Something Borrowed, Something Blue” (B+)

I was a bit confused when this episode started since I worried this was some sort of flashback to Elektra’s life of excess and riches that had all been torn down, but instead it was a far more positive and uplifting story of luxury. Elektra’s excitement at laundering drug money through her phone sex business was entertaining, and I loved the way she said “The mafia was wonderful to work with.” Her delivery is truly terrific, with a handful of other great lines in this hour like “Look at me if your eyes can handle the sparkle of my jewels.” Taking care of her daughters was a very sweet way of sharing her good fortune, starting with all-new furniture to replace everything of Blanca’s and a dream wedding for Angel. They all had a lot of fun shopping for the perfect wedding dress, and the shop owner coming down to tell them he wouldn’t take their money was a cruel and disappointing twist. But leave it to Elektra to have the last word, getting her mafia buddies to steal all of the dresses so that she could give one to every person coming to Angel’s wedding. Unfortunately, Papi didn’t seem nearly as excited by the idea of a lavish wedding that he wasn’t paying for, and the timing of him finding out that he had a son whose mother had just died couldn’t have been worse. I don’t think this is the end for Angel and PApi, but it’s certainly not a good sign.

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