Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What I’m Watching: Shrill (Series Finale)

Shrill: Season 3, Episode 8 “move”

It’s so bittersweet to say goodbye to this show, especially since it wasn’t meant to end now and this ambiguous ending could have enabled the story to continue. Talking to writer Lindy West about this indicates that she’s happy with where things ended, but this wasn’t supposed to serve as a conclusion to it all. I do like that it ended with Annie and Fran realizing that what they value most in life is each other, with both of their romances looking like they’re not going to last but not definitively ended. Annie going to see Mikayla wasn’t a great choice, and she handled herself somewhat well in her horribly awkward efforts to explain her being there when she came out to the car. The fact that Will cared so much about her feelings was probably an indicator that he wasn’t ready for this kind of relationship yet, even if, at some point, he and Annie would be perfect for each other. Em’s judgmental comment about Annie was meant to be an endorsement of her future with Fran, but that sentiment was hurtful and problematic in a way that Fran won’t soon forget. In the only real good news of the episode, it was great that Gabe bought the Thorn and was willing to let Amadi and Annie run the show, something that I’m sure would have come with its challenges had the series continued. This show has really grown on me since it started, and I’ve especially enjoyed season three, even knowing that it was all about to end. I hope that many others discover this show, and I look forward to seeing what the cast members and creative people behind it do next.

Series finale: B+
Series grade: B+
Season MVP: Aidy Bryant
Season grade: A-
Series MVP: Aidy Bryant
Best Season: Season 3
Best Episode: “Article

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