Monday, May 10, 2021

What I’m Watching: Shrill

Shrill: Season 3, Episode 3 “retreat” (B+)

So there weren’t any consequences for Annie’s very unfortunate date with Will, and instead she and Amadi were able to instantly make up, even if Ruthie challenged the appropriateness of a boss hugging his employee even if there was nothing actually wrong with it. I was glad to see that Ruthie became more than just an office antagonist for Annie when she and Maureen had a good time together during the less-than-enthralling office-set “brain jail” retreat, and that Maureen’s conversations about ODD (an acronym I won’t elaborate on here) led to a major night on the town with the three of them and Fran. After one guy tried to entice them by comparing them to a Dove ad that incorporated problematic stereotypes about each of them, they did much better with the two guys they accused of stealing their sauces, who ended up being both nice and fun. Annie got so hyped about leaving to go to Nick’s that she couldn’t stay awake, and I sincerely hope that he’s not stringing her along since he hasn’t made a move yet and might just think of himself as an insanely nice, very confusingly flirtatious friend. Fran’s determination to be liked – and perhaps universally admired and respected as well – by all of her coworkers is making her try harder than she typically might, and it’s probably a good thing that she’s putting in the effort because otherwise she might end up like her boss, who takes out all his pent-out frustration on that one poor guy he chooses to hate.

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