Saturday, May 22, 2021

What I’m Watching: This Is Us

This Is Us: Season 5, Episode 15 “Jerry 2.0” (B+)

This episode did indeed feature one of the most awkward bachelor parties on record, but it tracks that the Pearsons would be there for their own given that we so rarely see any of these characters interacting with friends and instead spending a great deal of time with family. Randall was the only one of the attendees who seemed to be in a pretty good place, especially considering what he’s recently been grappling with regarding his identity. Nicky was his typical curmudgeonly self, and I’m surprised it took him this long to look up Sally Brooks. It would be very on-brand for them to be able to reunite so many years later, and for a romance to be somehow possible. It was sweet to hear Miguel’s interpretation of his unwritten destiny with Rebecca and how he’s come to accept that. Toby considering a job in San Francisco is a big step, but, as Randall pointed out, he’s is a funk that’s consuming him. Watching Madison – and Kate – react to Kevin’s answers on video was uncomfortable, and all the references to “Jerry Maguire” and to Sophie make me very nervous that they’re going to decide that they shouldn’t stay together. At least they both seem to be coming to that conclusion and not on completely different pages. We don’t usually get to see Tess and Rebecca interacting, and so it was great to get a glimpse of some positive encouragement that came at exactly the time Tess needed it most.

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