Thursday, May 20, 2021

What I’m Watching: Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (Season Finale)

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: Season 2, Episode 13 “Zoey’s Extraordinary Goodbye” (B+)

It’s always stressful to watch an episode when the fate of a show is uncertain, especially when it delivers a game-changing twist like this one did. While I’ve always been on Team Max, I do like Simon and it’s good to know that, as confirmed by his heart song celebrating being okay, he’s happy being single and thrilled to be able to pursue a job that actually makes him excited about the work he’s doing. It was extremely awkward to hear Zoey joke about Max not getting the job and have everyone point out that wasn’t the case, and even Danny tried to be diplomatic about in the way that he could. Opening with everyone around her singing while she wasn’t in the mood and then including a dream number with Peter Gallagher and a full orchestra felt appropriate for a finale of this magnitude, and it was nice to see that, even though the two major couples of this season and Maggie’s almost-romance didn’t work out, the rest of the relationships are really blossoming, namely Tobin and McKenzie and Mo and Perry. I liked Rose and would have enjoyed having her around more, but Max getting back together with Zoey makes a lot of sense, and it’s going to be fun when this show is renewed to see them deal with the fact that he can apparently hear heart songs now too, at least from his new girlfriend. This show is fun and has really upped its musical quality in season two – bring on the awards love, especially for the spectacular Jane Levy!

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Jane Levy

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