Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Round Two: Kevin Can F**k Himself

Kevin Can F**k Himself: Season 1, Episode 2 “New Tricks” (B)

This was a similarly moody follow-up to the first episode, one that repeatedly made me want to reach through the screen and tell Allison how she deserved so much better than having to endure such demeaning harassment and soul-crushing judgment from everyone in her life. There were multiple moments where it seemed like she might have an ally, but her husband’s presence seemed to follow her everywhere, like in the doctor’s office that felt like it was straight out of the 1950s with the doctor offering to call her husband and at work when she wanted to confess that she had stolen the hoodie only to be called out for not trying hard enough for her husband. Kevin is so unbearably selfish that it’s hard to take him seriously, but I don’t doubt that there are less comic versions of this dynamic in many households. Even Patty wasn’t sympathetic to what Allison actually wanted, though I’m excited and intrigued by the fact that she’s leading a secret life that could explain why she’s able to make it through each day, and I’m hopeful that Allison discovering that will enable her a bit more happiness. Fantasizing about ways to kill her husband isn’t doing the trick, and she’s really great at accidentally hurting people and making enemies who could just as easily have been her friends before she gave them a bloody nose. This show leaves a strange taste, and while I’m still curious, it’s definitely not an easy or comforting watch.

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