Sunday, June 6, 2021

What I’m Watching: Why Women Kill

Why Women Kill: Season 2, Episode 2 “Secret Beyond the Door” (B+)

I did not expect that Alma would fully figure out what Bertram was up to and that he would confess to it so quickly, but this show always has surprises in store and has to keep viewers on their toes with the latest ridiculous antics. Charting back to their first meeting was helpful in underlining that Bertram is indeed a good person, and that his first inclination when he realized that his daughter no longer respected him because she thought he had an affair was to take his own life also indicated that he was not motivated by malice. Alma going out the window to get away from him was comic but not in an excessive way, which is not an easy line to navigate, though it did unfortunately attract the attention of the very nosy neighbor who ended up getting herself impaled when Alma violently closed the door on her hand without knowing she was there. I enjoyed that it came with a bold declaration of “No more death!” and now she and Bertram are going to have to cover up this latest death so that she might actually get admitted to the gardening club. I appreciated the introduction of Veronica Falcón from “Perry Mason” and “Perpetual Grace, LTD” as Catherine, Carlo’s daughter, who really hates Rita and is going to do everything possible to expose her affair. Rita is just as serious, however, and took the opportunity to supervise his bath as a way to get rid of him for good, promising that she would get the job done next time. I’m intrigued by the budding romance between Dee and Vern, something that’s sure to complicated the very tangled web of interconnected secret relationships on this show.

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