Tuesday, July 6, 2021

What I’m Watching: Blindspotting

Blindspotting: Season 1, Episode 4 “The Four Hustlateers” (B+)

There wasn’t all that much that happened in this episode, but I like that we just got to spend time with the characters as they were struggling to make the most of boring moments and keep things interesting. Trish was entirely absent as Ashley got home very frustrated from a continually-delayed visit to Miles that ended up getting cancelled together, and she, Miles, and Rainey are all well aware that the situation isn’t ideal and that she would prefer not to be living with the mother of her boyfriend. Finding Miles’ stash of pot to smoke was a great bonding opportunity, and I liked that Ashley was proud of herself for spilling the beans about her secret rituals with Miles that Rainey was very aware of and could recite back to her. It was fun that they did this at the same time as Earl and Janelle got to know each other a little better following his very frustrating visit from his parole officer, who tried to keep him honest and in the process stopped him from engaging in a perfectly legal activity on private property. I didn’t expect that he was going to be a very knowledgeable cook, and as part of the barriers coming down between him and his landlord, he broke the news to her that she wasn’t a good cook, prompting a humorous cookoff that he clearly won. The last few minutes of the episode were devoted to that hypnotic dance sequence, keeping this show’s signature style going and saying plenty without any dialogue.

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