Wednesday, July 28, 2021

What I’m Watching: Blindspotting

Blindspotting: Season 1, Episode 6 “Ghost Dad” (B+)

One of the things I find most intriguing about this show is that Miles is a character who is seen frequently but not as the real version of himself. He’s on the phone talking to us, the audience, at the start of every episode in a style reminiscent of “Shameless,” but that’s just a gimmick to invite viewers back in for each installment. He appeared in a good chunk of this episode, but only hallucinated in a Gatsby outfit for Ashley to work through her doubts about finally telling Sean that his father is in prison. It’s not as if actor Rafael Casal isn’t available, but instead it feels like a purposeful reflection of reality, that he feels so distant and Ashley can only imagine most of their conversations since his incarceration makes it difficult to have them in person, especially when she doesn’t stick around to be able to visit him. This episode’s title was a very fitting one as a result. While Ashley was out for the day, there was considerable panic at home when Nancy, Janelle, and Earl took a proactive approach to ensuring that Sean was sufficiently aware of and well-versed in his blackness, a concern that may indeed have stemmed from an uncertain tone in the insinuating question. Ashley did make the difficult decision to finally tell Sean the truth, and I’m curious how long it will be before we’ll get a chance to see the real Miles and how he reacts to Ashley letting him see Sean in person after he’s been wanting to for so long.

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