Friday, July 23, 2021

What I’m Watching: Dead Pixels (Season Premiere)

Dead Pixels: Season 2, Episode 1 “Crates” (B+)

I enjoyed watching season one of this show when it made its debut on the CW a little under a year ago, and it’s nice not to have to wait too long for this season, which aired almost two years after its original premiere on E4 in the UK back in January but arrives to American television now. The framing of an expansion pack as the reason to launch back into it was logical and productive, and Meg and Nicky actually seemed to be relatively well-prepared as they barely listened to Alison talk about her impending trip to Greece and told her how they were ready to go pack with the right attitude. Meg’s laptop pants were simultaneously impressive and worrisome, and their reaction to Alison’s request not to pee in any of her nice glasses didn’t seem to startle them though it had clearly happened before. The new game was quite a disappointment in many ways, and while Meg had to pull out after all of the young kids were very mean to her rather than respectful of their elder, Nicky got sucked in and appears to be spending extraordinary amounts of money to open boxes and selling his earthly possessions at work to fund this addictive hobby. Meg inviting herself along to an outdoor, real-world activity with Alison was a shock, but she didn’t last long before she literally ran away from that back to the safety of inside and home. Russell never gets treated too well, and at least he had a positive outlook on how creative the latest trick he fell for was.

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