Thursday, July 8, 2021

What I’m Watching: Loki

Loki: Season 1, Episode 5 “Journey Into Mystery” (B+)

I’m not sure I’ve stopped to appreciate the quality of the music by Natalie Holt on this show, which helps to enhance an already fascinating and enthralling story. It does make me wish that there was more of this show, which, even if it will be back for a second season, still feels too fleeting since there’s just one episode left in this run. This episode was rather dramatic and impactful as we got to know the other Lokis, the standout of which was surely the fantastic Richard E. Grant from “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” I also loved Loki’s attempts to be heard by his other selves – “I’d like to take a breather to ask several thousand questions” – and his incredible frustration at the nightmare of seeing many different versions of him all fighting and betraying each other. Three of them were loyal, however, including the mysteriously existent alligator, and they put on a formidable defense as Loki prepared to journey back to the TVA. It’s a relief to know that pruning isn’t actually death but instead banishment to the end of time, and I’m so intrigued by Sylvie’s desire to rewrite it. Self-pruning was a bold move, and it’s clear from how Ravonna was speaking to B-15 that she does hold as many of the answers as she wants to in order to be context with her timeless existence. It was very sweet to see how Mobius, who was humorously driving the pizza delivery car, was happy to see Loki again and shared a heartfelt hug as he stepped back into the portal. The most incredible and fascinating relationship is the one between Loki and Sylvie, and while I’m not sure exactly what enchanting the creature is going to accomplish, I’m absolutely ready to find out come next week with the finale.

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