Sunday, July 4, 2021

What I’m Watching: Solos (Season Finale)

Solos: Season 1, Episode 7 “Stuart” (B)

This episode was at least much more palatable than the past two installments, but I still don’t really understand what the purpose of this show was. It certainly would not get my vote for a second season, and I wasn’t sure whether we’d end up seeing all of the characters we met again in some sort of group farewell, but of course that didn’t happen. Instead, we got to see the faces of two actors who we’ve heard previously, Morgan Freeman as Stuart and Dan Stevens as Otto. I’m a big fan of Stevens from his work on “Downton Abbey” and “Legion,” and the latter definitely serves as a fine framework for the type of quietly insidious acting he did here, first showing up as someone intent on helping an older man recover his memories before revealing his true purpose, which was to punish Stuart for stealing his own memories. I was pretty impressed with Freeman’s performance as he came alive when Stuart was recalling song lyrics and other wonderful moments from his life, and then it got more dramatic as he described what he felt and what he took. Ending on a hug, which was a positive interaction for both of them, was unexpectedly sentimental, and I guess the point of this solo-titled show is that being together is much more valuable than we realize? I’m not going to think of this series too fondly, and it makes me wary of indulging in anthology series if there’s not a clear direction or focus for them.

Season grade: B-
Season MVP: Anthony Mackie

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