Sunday, July 25, 2021

What I’m Watching: Why Women Kill

Why Women Kill: Season 2, Episode 9 “The Unguarded Moment” (B+)

I really did expect Dee to confront her parents about Mrs. Yost’s murder and for that to lead to some clarity, but instead all we got was more lies, resulting in unfortunate consequences for people who weren’t innocent in all this but did not deserve the fates they’ve apparently gotten. It was miserable to see Bertram moping around, trying desperately to get Dee to see him only to have her continually reject him. That she went to her mother instead, who jumped on her lie about Bertram’s infidelity to continue to mask the truth, meant that no one got the answers they needed and Bertram ended up getting struck by Catherine’s bullet while he was walking home that night. I’m not entirely clear on what Scooter’s real motivations were and if he just wanted to be human to Rita or if he had theoretically been playing Catherine the whole time, but none of that mattered given that she acted based on what she perceived, which prompted her to bring a gun to confront the two lovers on the street. Both she and Rita will now have something to unify them given that they both cared for Scooter, though Catherine is likely to be the one spending time behind bars given the fact that she shot someone in public. Alma’s power-hungry quest to rule the garden club resulted in her failing her one true ally through all of this, and though she looks poised to get away with it, she’s not going to do so without losing the person who always believed in her all along.

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