Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Emmy Winner Predictions: Best Lead Actor in a Limited Series or TV Movie

Nominees are listed in alphabetical order. Performers in this category don’t submit specific episodes, but I’ve watched the entirety of their shows to best assess their chances.

The nominees: Paul Bettany (WandaVision), Hugh Grant (The Undoing), Ewan McGregor (Halston), Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton), Leslie Odom Jr. (Hamilton)

The only first-time nominee in this category is Bettany, who also stars in the nominated TV movie Uncle Frank. Grant and Odom each have one previous nomination, for acting and voice-over, respectively, and McGregor has two acting nods and one narrator bid. Miranda is also nominated this year for producing his pre-recorded variety special, and has two previous acting nominations and one producing bid, plus a 2014 win for music and lyrics from The Tonys. This category feels to me like an opportunity for Bettany to win because it’s not nearly as competitive as the other acting races, though it’s always possible that Miranda could triumph too, though he did lose when he contended in the film comedy actor race at the Golden Globes. I personally liked McGregor’s performance and series more than I think most did, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to interview Grant about this show, which is a conversation you should absolutely read.

Who should win: Bettany, McGregor, or Grant
Who will win: I’ll pick Bettany, but this one is more up in the air than most.

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