Monday, September 6, 2021

What I’m Watching: The L Word: Generation Q

The L Word: Generation Q: Season 2, Episode 5 “Lobsters, Too” (B+)

The relationships on this show are certainly very complicated, and it seems like everyone could do with just a bit of listening. It worked wonders for Micah and Maribel, who were able to have open communication and have a really great time together. Bette, on the other hand, is not doing a great job of that at all in any of her relationships, ultimately winning over her daughter after screwing up but definitely pushing away both Gigi and Carrie in the process. Obviously, she doesn’t care much what Carrie thinks, but the ferociousness she exhibits towards her is not at all kind, and only makes an awkward situation of co-parenting and amicable divorce all the more uncomfortable. It’s hard to believe how oblivious Bette can be to the things she says, failing completely to comprehend that the passion and effort she puts in for an artist she loves far outweighs her willingness to even talk to Gigi about their issues. I like that Dani picked up on the fact that Gigi was flirting with her and outright asked her, and it distinctly seems like something is going to happen between them. Tess wasn’t happy to find out that her new girlfriend, Cherie, happened to know Shane quite intimately, and, despite her bathroom performance, seems to still be quite tied to Shane given that ending scene. It’s good to see that Sophie has found a great creative outlet, though I don’t know if that means she’s going to go after Dani or Finley. Alice and Tom’s lobster rescue went very poorly, but I’m enjoying seeing them spend time together even if it’s not yet apparent whether things are going to turn romantic between them.

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