Wednesday, January 5, 2022

What I’m Watching: And Just Like That

And Just Like That: Season 1, Episode 5 “Tragically Hip” (B)

I just realized the cleverness of this episode’s title, one that was ostensibly about people getting old but instead had more to do with starting new chapters of their lives. For Charlotte and Harry, it’s about understanding how their child wants to identify in a different way than makes sense to them, and that they might want to be open with others first without having to explain it to their parents, if they can even keep up with the pronouns. Having another character on the show who goes by they isn’t all that helpful in this case given that Miranda and Charlotte aren’t getting along famously at the moment, but that may change when Miranda moves to the next step of acknowledging her alcohol problem. While that may have been partially responsible for what happened in Carrie’s kitchen, she’s also obviously unhappy and in need of a change in her life. Things went from Miranda asking Che to shotgun her again to a very explicit and passionate sex scene in full view of Carrie, which is something she won’t soon forget and which is sure to happen again in some form, potentially without an audience this time. Carrie’s bed debacle wasn’t quite as bad as it could have been, but she was right to chew Miranda out for not being there for her when she needed her. This show wasn’t going to be about Carrie having to avoid heels for a few weeks, hence why we’re going to pick up after that with Carrie fully recovered and ready to get back out there.

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