Friday, January 28, 2022

What I’m Watching: As We See It

As We See It: Season 1, Episode 5 “Ever Had an Edible?”

Maybe Julian isn’t the worst thing for Violet, but that still remains to be seen. After Tiff and Celeste tried to make up for missing her party by taking her to a club – which was definitely not her scene, even if sensory experiences are much more problematic for her too roommates – she just wanted to be with him. His response to whether he thought she was normal was very validating, though it is likely that she’s going to get far too attached to what he might see as a simple hook-up. How to support Violet became a divisive issue for Van and Selina that ultimately broke them up, since Selina had her own ideas of how she could be there for her that didn’t line up with how Van saw it and how little Van was willing to consider other people’s opinions. Jack’s visit to his aunt’s house where Lou asked her to be his guardian didn’t go so well, especially when he revealed his dad’s prognosis, but eating edibles together was a great opportunity for them to bond about how he kissed Ewatomi at the bus stop. Mandy’s trip home with Harrison was very sweet, and it was nice to see just how supportive they were of him in every way. The news that they’re moving to Montana after his sister’s graduation was a bit of a shock, but his mom did make a legitimate point when she said that they needed to start living for themselves, selfish as that sounded to say.

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