Monday, January 17, 2022

What I’m Watching: Call Me Kat (Season Premiere)

Call Me Kat: Season 2, Episode 1 “Call Me Kerfuffled” (B-)

This was a show I mostly enjoyed in its first season, and I was particularly lucky to have the chance to speak with actor Leslie Jordan about his role as Phil, which was a lot of fun. This premiere didn’t do a resounding job of reminding of the show’s quality, focused instead on a “Blossom” reunion that I’m sure meant plenty to fans but not as much to me since I didn’t watch the show growing up. This show hasn’t emphasized its cats all that often, even it has devoted a few episodes to the more troublesome ones, and I think this half-hour spent a bit too much time on the felines. It also seems that one regular customer, Tim Bagley’s Wyatt, is becoming more of a regular on the show, appearing frequently and eagerly volunteering for all of the jobs that Randi and Phil have learned it’s best to steer clear of because they’re truly undesirable. Kat was understandably freaking about having to make a choice between Oscar and Max, and it’s going to be hard to keep going from all of this given the intensity she’s put into the process and her general inability to move on from things easily. Randi and Carter are still sneaking around trying to navigate their own relationship, which is an entertaining subplot. Whenever an episode of this show ends and all the characters start waving at the camera, I think that it could probably be substantially better if it took itself just a little bit more seriously.

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