Friday, January 21, 2022

What I’m Watching: Call Me Kat

Call Me Kat: Season 2, Episode 2 “Call Me By My Middle Name” (B+)

Kat is definitely an over-sharer who isn’t good at reading boundaries, and so having her explain what was happening with Oscar and Max to a random customer whose drink she was also in the process of spilling was a predictable introduction to this episode. I did enjoy that Oscar was just thrilled that Kat picked him over Max, and that after some awkwardness with Max coughing when he saw them kissing and everyone getting hurt as a result, things shifted to Oscar and Max trying to be friends. Kat playing piano so that Max would listen to her was a good start, but it was also bad timing to set her boyfriend up with the man she used to love because she went overboard on her celebration of a mini-anniversary. Fortunately, Oscar took it a lot better than Ben did, and made the important note that Kat had to tell him in the future if something mattered to her so that he could make sure to be there. Max had some trouble initially verbalizing an apology to Oscar, but he did much better after that and the two are sure to be friends for a while now. A highlight of Kat’s reaction to the whole situation was her throwing out all the food Phil had just baked, prompting him to stand up for the unduly punished goods. Randi had more trouble keeping her new relationship secret, and Carter learning her middle name almost made her break things off with Peter Backpack. Now that it’s all going to be out in the open, I’m curious to see how things are going to work.

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