Sunday, January 16, 2022

What I’m Watching: Dexter: New Blood (Series Finale)

Dexter: New Blood: Season 9, Episode 10 “Sins of the Father” (B+)

I was going to optimistically term this a season finale without definitive word of a cancellation or a renewal before watching it, despite the fact that Showtime described it as a series finale. After having seen it, it does appear that this is the last we’ll get given the demise of the main character. It’s a shame in part because this newest season was actually quite worthwhile, and showed that the character was strong even without the familiar Miami Metro surroundings. Ten episodes wasn’t quite enough to deliver a fully satisfying deep dive on the characters, or to deliver scenes that would have been ideal like Dexter actually confirming his identity as the Bay Harbor Butcher to Angela or him coming face-to-face with Batista again. But we didn’t get those things in part because Dexter could never bring himself to trust anyone aside from Hannah, and he probably didn’t need to kill Logan but made that choice since all he could see was a way to run. If he had been honest with Angela, she might have understood him and they could have taken Kurt down together. That’s not what he chose, however, and instead he had Harrison kill him as a way to prove that he could still distinguish good from bad. It’s possible that Harrison will now spend his life on the run, but it’s likelier that he’ll be able to move on since Angela will take the blame for killing Dexter and there’s no one else left to blame. And at the very least Angela got closure on all the missing persons cases who ended up being in Kurt’s hall of victims. I enjoyed the opportunity to revisit Dexter in this context, and to get an ending that felt a little truer to what the character deserved.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Michael C. Hall

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