Monday, January 31, 2022

What I’m Watching: Ozark (Mid-Season Finale)

Ozark: Season 4, Episode 7 “Sanctified” (B+)

This was one hell of a finale, even if it’s marketed as the first half of the season. After some very intense moments over the course of the past six episodes, this one topped all those. It’s crazy to me how disposable some of the characters have felt, but I guess we are nearing the end, and things are getting to an irreversible point where not all of them are going to surprise. Javi shooting Darlene and then Wyatt right after they had gotten married was shocking, even more so because he had just made a deal for immunity with the FBI. The conversation between the FBI and Navarro made it clear what their real goals were, and how they’re really just going to be propping up the cartel now so that they can run the show. Navarro’s attempt to negotiate didn’t go well, but it was Maya who went recklessly off-script by publicly arresting him. Javi’s deal isn’t quite as sweet, but it also means that the Byrdes are stuck in this and Javi is only going to feel more entitled to treat them however he wants. Jonah telling Ruth who Javi was is going to lead to dangerous things, but she went to the trouble of convincing Frank Jr. not to kill Darlene only to find her dead with her beloved cousin. Ending on Ruth driving rather than the car crash we saw in the season premiere is an interesting choice, and I’m definitely ready to see how this all plays out. I’ve been very impressed with the cast this season – and the writing – and I’m sure it will get plenty of Emmy recognition, starting with a third Emmy for Julia Garner.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Julia Garner as Ruth

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