Sunday, January 30, 2022

What I’m Watching: Ozark

Ozark: Season 4, Episode 2 “Let the Great World Spin” (B+)

It’s intense to see just how bad things have gotten in the relationship between Ruth and the Byrdes. Jonah is only helping to feed the fire, giving Ruth Ben’s ashes, which she was not happy to relinquish when Wendy showed up and she came outside with a shotgun. Marty talking to her didn’t go much better, though he also nearly got into trouble with Wendy by seeming proud of Jonah when he found out that he was laundering money at only fourteen years old. Javi’s presence is complicating things in a big way, and it’s just adding another layer of deception that Marty has to keep up, being forced to clean up a mess he didn’t cause. Sheriff Guerrero seems committed to not following in the footsteps of her late predecessor, responding both to Mel the overeager private investigator and to Marty the determined housecleaner with suspicion. Wendy made tremendous progress amassing the $150 million she needed with considerable ease, and Ruth had similar success with her Chicago connection. But both were undone by their demanding bosses, though Darlene’s refusal to give in to hippie ideals is less concerning than Navarro showing up in the middle of the night. Maya getting cold feet came at a bad time, and her having to go alone to meet him felt very ominous. The fact that Marty told Maya only about Javi being there and not about Helen being dead or anything else suggests that he has another game going here, but he would be smart to relay all the information so that she can actually trust him.

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