Sunday, January 23, 2022

What I’m Watching: Superman and Lois

Superman and Lois: Season 2, Episode 2 “The Ties That Bind” (B+)

Lois’ exceptionally-prepared breakfast properly would have gone over if everything she made didn’t have eggs or meat in it, but apparently Natalie the vegan isn’t much of a breakfast person anyway. She actually did a pretty spectacular job of fitting in at school, befriending Sarah and demonstrating how skilled she is at fixing cars. John was the one who had trouble distinguishing this world from his own, spending time with Lois and remembering the woman who used to be his wife. Clark being felled by the seismic shocks he was feeling was not good news, and going somewhere with his duplicitous brother, even with Jordan for backup, wasn’t a smart plan. The Lara they met really was shocked that Clark and Tal weren’t getting along, and seemed just as upset when Tal took the opportunity to gain the advantage on Clark and try to kill him. Fortunately, Jordan stepped in and did a great job of defending his father. His response to Sarah telling him her somewhat predictable secret – that she kissed someone at camp – wasn’t as great, especially since he could have inquired further about her sexual orientation or at least been supportive of her own exploration. Clark’s not so big on the new army of young supers, but they did provide some much-needed support when he wasn’t up to the task. I’ve already mentioned how much I’ve loving positive Kyle this season, and I’m all for the way that he encouraged to go for it and run for mayor herself, an idea she had already decided on, which should be great to see play out.

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