Thursday, February 17, 2022

Round Two: Inventing Anna

Inventing Anna: Season 1, Episode 2 “The Devil Wore Anna” (B+)

In its second outing, this show continues to be extremely interesting, offering some important information but still keeping the mystery going. Hearing about Anna from people like Val and Talia is illuminating, and the flashbacks say plenty too. The introduction of Chase as someone who definitely did have the money Anna may not but sometimes lacking in his presentation explains a lot of how Anna kept up the illusion of who she was, culminating in that disconcerting meltdown where she basically froze and couldn’t process the fact that she wasn’t able to pay for the hotel. Chase blaming the passport check on Val was a worrisome sign, but it makes more sense given how Anna responded to the idea of her identity and status being questioned. It’s also quite intriguing to see how Neff feels a responsibility to visit her friend in prison while Rachel and Kacy definitely don’t want to remain a part of her life. Todd really shouldn’t be quite as resistant to Vivian’s attempts to work together as he is, especially given the fact that Vivian knows much more than him and that, thanks to her, he was able to put some pressure on his uncooperative prosecuting colleague and get a literal truckload of discovery. This is a Shondaland production, and as a result it’s great to recognize a familiar face in Joshua Malina, who got his big start with Aaron Sorkin on “Sports Night” and “The West Wing” but will be best known to Shonda fans from “Scandal,” as boat owner Henrick Knight.

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