Saturday, February 19, 2022

Take Three: Bel-Air

Bel-Air: Season 1, Episode 3 “Yamacraw” (B+)

What could have been a devastating event for Will turned into nothing thanks to the intervention of his intimidating aunt and uncle and ultimately Carlton pinning the blame on someone from another school so that any charges would be dropped. But Carlton helping him out, even if it also meant protecting his friend Connor, is only going to serve to further drive a wedge between the two of them. That the mentor he was courting wasn’t actually in charge of the internship he so desperately wanted and instead the one who heard him grumble about having to help set up the tables and chairs. And it was Will who got Phil to break out his dance moves and show all the other fraternity members, including his coveted reverend endorser, that he was still able to relate to his community. We did also get Will flipping his jacket, a reference to a memorable moment from the original show that didn’t lead to any consequences but continues his trend of standing out. Unfortunately, his visibility on the basketball court has also made its way back to those who want to settle a score with him back in Philly, something that could prove problematic for Will since they can easily get on a plane to come find him in a way that never felt possible on the sitcom. Kendra may have gotten support from Viv’s friends at her party, but her willful desire not to be appreciative of her mother’s help may have just forced her to face what real independent adulthood looks like.

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