Monday, February 14, 2022

What I’m Watching: The Book of Boba Fett (Season Finale)

The Book of Boba Fett: Season 1, Episode 7 “Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor” (B)

This was a fine finale, but it wasn’t quite as triumphant or exciting as I had hoped it might be. Having Mando and then Grogu there to help fight off the Syndicate led to predictable moments, namely Grogu being able to help in his typical ways and Mando piercing the shield of the firing droid with the Darksaber so that he could take it down. Boba riding the rancor so that it could eventually rip the droid in half was cool to watch, and it was good to see the people of Freetown show up to fight after Cad tried to get them to stay out of the fight by taking out the Marshal. Cad convincing Boba that in defeating him he would prove that he was still a killer felt a lot like a Sith tactic, manipulating a mastery of the Force into something that was somehow indicative of evil when used to take out true bad guys. We saw Mando fly away and give Grogu one last good ride, presumably back to his own show which may or may not be returning. I’m not usually one for the outright comedy on these shows, but I did enjoy the brief meeting between two comic relief characters, Peli and the Majordomo (Amy Sedaris and David Pasquesi have apparently worked together before). I didn’t get much of the post-credits scene, but it seems that Cobb Vanth lives, which is good, and I guess we’ll see him on whichever Star Wars show comes out next after the just-announced “Obi-Wan Kenobi,” which obviously will be set long before the events of this show. I’d be up for watching more, even if I don’t think this show or the one before it are as fantastic as everyone else seems to be saying.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Temeuera Morrison as Boba Fett and Ming-Na Wen as Fennec

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