Monday, February 28, 2022

What I’m Watching: Call Me Kat

Call Me Kat: Season 2, Episode 8 “Call Me Señor Don Gato” (B)

A good chunk of this episode was quite predictable, but it still managed to be fun nonetheless. Carter not thinking that waiting in line for sneakers for CJ was Kat’s “scene” was on the right track, and she expectedly got distracted by a cat in need and thought that everyone she had previously sung with would be willing to let her get back in line. I haven’t done much of that, so I’m not sure if it really happens that way, but I have a feeling they might be somewhat more understanding, even if both of them got out of line. Fortunately, Kat managed to find a way to fix things and get a pair for Carter in the end, and he opened up to her about feeling like he needs to compete with his ex-wife for who can move on first. Randi’s efforts to have a quiet night alone failed miserably, and I most appreciate Max stopping by to get a more detailed opinion from Randi and ultimately concluding that her take meant most to him, especially since she was able to offer him the best advice. Sheila and Oscar were a smart pair, even if Sheila pushed him to a place where he didn’t entirely remedy his situation. Phil always seems to have cat- or food-related hijinks, and needing models with the right private parts to get his cookies just right was an amusing diversion that got everyone involved in the end to help with his penis (cookie) emergency.

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