Friday, February 11, 2022

What I’m Watching: Call Me Kat

Call Me Kat: Season 2, Episode 5 “Call Me Your Biggest Fan” (B)

Everyone knows that Max is great at writing music, but it was still fun to see Kat try to encourage him, going to typically excessive lengths to participate him in the jingle contest even after he insisted he didn’t want to do it. He may ultimately not have won, but Kat certainly did since he’s now ready to perform. Contending that he was impervious to reverse psychology failed him almost right away, and I liked how impressed he was that Kat had managed to pull one over on him while he thought he was staying one step ahead of her. I do like the effort all of these characters put in for presentation, even if the intended recipients don’t always bother to notice their hard work. Randi doing CJ’s nails showed how well they got along, and how, even though he didn’t officially know about his dad’s new relationship, he went ahead and suggested it after spending time with her. That storyline was much more about Randi helping to open Carter’s mind, with Phil’s assistance, to the fact that what he learned growing up may not be the extent of what there is out in the world. Getting his nails done was a nice peace offering. Phil did seem like the natural choice to be MC for the event, but that didn’t stop Sheila from showing up in a very distracting red dress and heckling him the whole time, ready to get up there and take over in case he suddenly became unable to keep going.

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