Wednesday, February 16, 2022

What I’m Watching: Dollface

Dollface: Season 2, Episode 7 “Dancing Queen” (B+)

I’m not sure that this show, which I do enjoy quite a bit, has ever managed to truly surprise me before, and that happened in this episode with Madison’s unapologetic reveal to Jules that she won’t be able to go to Greece because she’s taking a business opportunity with Ruby in Australia. It’s exactly what Jules was afraid of but then convinced herself wasn’t real, and Madison’s legitimate concern about Jules not being there yet while Ruby wanted to leave her behind was an indication that there wasn’t any reason to worry about the dissolution of their friendship. But this is rather irreversible, and it’s a major shift from the opening scene where they were trying on matching outfits and getting ready to get back to the way things used to be with the two of them. Jules had the opportunity to give a younger version of herself some decent advice about sticking with your friends, but it’s possible that she wouldn’t repeat that given recent developments. Stella and Izzy were good for each other as sounding boards since they’re both in completely different places in their relationships, and the drugs that Stella didn’t take and that weren’t strong enough to overwhelm Izzy’s suddenly-emerged sadness played exactly the part they should have. This episode did a decent job of letting drugs affect its tone only a little bit, since the magical realism scenes with Jules – and now some of her friends – are really the more worthwhile out-there and exaggerated diversions anyway.

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