Wednesday, February 16, 2022

What I’m Watching: Dollface

Dollface: Season 2, Episode 5 “Miss Codependent” (B+)

I’m enjoying the way in which this show is incorporating its magical realism scenes into this season, starting with a detective-like analysis of how Madison and Ruby are hanging out all the time and she may have found herself a new best friend. I like that Q makes no apologies for the way they are, proudly telling Jules that they were having a party and didn’t invite anyone from the office. Celeste making Jules house-sit for her was the latest example of her having no boundaries, a lesson she might have learned from nearly killing Izzy by repeat shower. After Madison was initially upset about going to a place that had many triggering memories of Colin for her, she did show up, and there wasn’t even time to process Jules lashing out at Ruby when she thought she had told her about Wes before Celeste walked in. The suit-wearing gun standoff was a fun way to show the tension that existed between those three, and it was nice to see Celeste ask to speak to Madison alone and then apologize to her since they really were in the same boat when it came to Colin. Izzy’s anxiety about being left out of a friendship group that existed for years before she came along led to her questionable decision to enter a popsicle-eating contest with Bruno, which resulted in her excitedly claiming victory when he threw up in the pool. Fortunately, Izzy pushing Stella to pregame before Liv and Bruno arrived didn’t end badly, and somehow it all led to Liv being open to the idea that they could be a couple, which should be a fun and interesting road to travel.

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