Sunday, February 20, 2022

What I’m Watching: The Gilded Age

The Gilded Age: Season 1, Episode 4 “A Long Ladder” (B+)

This episode contained a few very awkward interactions, ranging from humorous in nature to truly uncomfortable. Bannister getting a tour of the Russell household from Church gave him ample opportunity to present subtle and stinging digs at their way of doing things, insulting the chef by his shock that soup would be served at lunch (the idea of chilled chicken soup was particularly unappealing) and then commenting on the placement of the silverware as if it was interesting. Agnes didn’t even want a chance of Bertha trying to initiate contact by bringing the dog over, assuring that they stay separate and interactions can only happen outside the home at places like the opera. Marian’s visit to Brooklyn was a bad idea to start, but the fact that she brought old shoes to help Peggy’s parents was seriously horrific. At least Peggy’s new writing job seems promising, though getting into the political arena could be a dangerous gamble. It was good to at least hear George express some sort of regret for the way that things went with Patrick, though that was short-lived in favor of pressing on ahead and helping to get Bertha introduced into polite society. The reason that Mrs. Chamberlain is such a pariah didn’t astound me as much as I had expected it to, and I don’t think it’s going to keep Marian away since she’s hardly in favor of following the norms of the time. Being shunned by Peggy might help her adjust a bit more, though we’ll see how long that fracture lasts.

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