Sunday, February 27, 2022

What I’m Watching: Home Economics

Home Economics: Season 2, Episode 13 “Pregnancy Test, $12.98” (B+)

This definitely wasn’t a typical Valentine’s Day episode, and I liked the pairings of people that we saw. Jojo probably would have been better off sticking to Connor’s insanely fancy Silo dinner experience since their quiet night alone at his place got interrupted, but everything did work out in the end. The pizza arriving for Jojo and Gretchen calling for her were the dead giveaways, and I enjoyed the comments how Emily quickly understood why Jojo was there. She was not polite in how she spoke to Jojo, and laughing when she said she was an influencer was not a great start. But some eavesdropping on her part led to Jojo understanding that Emily wasn’t rushing to leave because she too didn’t want to be alone on Valentine’s Day. Helping her create a profile on a dating app was very much in Jojo’s wheelhouse, and it humorously led to Connor feeling left out. Tom and Sarah got to bond about their negativity and inability to understand their wives at the absurd and oft-introduced Silo, and they were of course very off about what it was that was upsetting them until Marina didn’t want more wine and gave the whole thing away. I always like when Marina and Denise spend time together away from others, and in this case Marina’s panic led Denise to exactly the opposite realization about what she wanted, which makes it look like we’ll soon see Denise trying to experience something she never has before, which is sure to change things up.

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