Thursday, February 17, 2022

What I’m Watching: Inventing Anna

Inventing Anna: Season 1, Episode 4 “A Wolf in Chic Clothing” (B+)

Opening this episode with Anna giving a tour of the clubs-within-a-club that she wanted to have as part of the extremely exclusive ADF was the epitome of what she offers: a lot of talk and not much to back it up in the form of actual concrete support. The introduction of Alan Reed, played by Anthony Edwards, showed someone very meticulous who was initially unimpressed with Anna but then managed to fall under her spell. Hearing how he accepted the fact that the wire transfer hadn’t come through yet and that he then went to bat to intimidate the bank representative into apologizing to Anna and creating an account for her was incredible, but the biggest reveal of all was saved for the end, when we saw Anna using an app to disguise her voice and posing as Peter. That was only slightly more shocking than seeing how she literally stole a plane, telling the Blade employees that she didn’t have time to wait for them to get the money since they already should have it, with both of them fighting over who should call the CEO and tell him that they weren’t going to be able to assist her as requested. Hearing about that from Vivian’s friends at the magazine was entertaining, especially since they followed her into the bathroom to tell her. I enjoyed seeing Todd step in to help Vivian relieve some of the discomfort she was having, and telling her own husband that she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t leave him for the prosecutor who’s finally coming around to her.

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