Monday, February 21, 2022

What I’m Watching: Pivoting

Pivoting: Season 1, Episode 7 “Bounce, Baby” (B+)

Each of these three friends has their own tics, and I think I might enjoy Amy’s most since she’s just so unfiltered and has no sense whatsoever of boundaries. Her eagerness to call Coleen’s phone number and leave her voicemails about what was going on in her life was theoretically harmless until it meant harassing a young athlete who just wanted to wait for a phone call from her boyfriend in the Marines. Henry is evidently the best possible match for her given his willingness to figure out a way to get the number back for her, just in time for that boyfriend to call because he really was deployed. Amy was also very excited that Jodie was actually having an affair, something that got her extremely worried that she had herpes, which she didn’t want to have Sarah examine because she would judge her for being unfaithful. I’m not sure what she thought was going to happen when she went over to help Matt organize his socks, and fortunately Dan is too busy carrying his computer into the bathroom to finish watching his porn to notice that she’s involved with someone else. Sarah’s bathroom make-out session with Tanzy quickly turned into a real relationship, one she didn’t want to turn from casual into serious, and her dismissal of Tanzy when she showed up was followed up by an even crueler response about Sarah’s age from her younger jilted ex. Brian and Henry tearing up thinking about Coleen being gone was a sweet moment, and I think this show does well when it features those.

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