Sunday, February 20, 2022

What I’m Watching: Resident Alien

Resident Alien: Season 2, Episode 4 “Radio Harry” (B+)

This episode brought back a few plotlines which I’m glad to see haven’t been forgotten, including the town’s actual missing doctor, Ethan, who got to be fed a fancy meal by General McCallister only to be stabbed in the hand with a fork so that he would transform into his alien form, which of course he doesn’t have. Asta accompanying Harry out onto the reservation so that she could see that he was in fact using a radio and not a bomb led to unintended consequences when his message that they should come kill everyone in fifty years got interrupted mid-transmission. Theoretically, it might have still been good to send that since Harry could more likely change over fifty years than just the next few months, but the bigger deal is that General McCallister seems to have intercepted it, which means she’ll be on to Harry at some point soon. I’m eager to see how Liv continues her investigation into her lost time resulting from the dry-cleaned dress, and I hope that she goes to Asta with her suspicions so she can be read in on everything. Both D’Arcy and Mike are not eager to be told how to cope with their pasts and presents, which led to a relatively dramatic ending for the episode. I did appreciate the humor of Ben dramatically spitting out the most delicious Mexican food he had ever had upon learning where it was from, and Kate trying to get him to be more open-minded until she ultimately was the one to let loose on the condescending mayor.

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