Thursday, March 17, 2022

Round Two: The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey

The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey: Season 1, Episode 2 “Robyn” (B+)

I don’t think I expected this second episode after watching the first one, in part because there wasn’t any indication that I can remember of a miracle treatment that might be able to stop and even reverse the progression of the dementia. There was such a stark difference in Ptolemy’s behavior and even just the way he moved after he got that shot, and then he lost it all again when he realized he couldn’t remember what he was in the middle of saying and doing. I was thrilled to see Walton Goggins, an actor I’ve liked since “The Shield” and since enjoyed in comedy on “Vice Principals” and “The Righteous Gemstones,” in a more serious role as someone promising the impossible who was apparently able to deliver but wanted to be sure to get Ptolemy’s buy-in even though Robyn was acting as his caregiver and advocate. I can’t say enough good things about Dominique Fishback, an actress who impressed me tremendously in her first film role, “Night Comes On,” and earned accolades for her performance in “Judas and the Black Messiah” last year. This is a great part for her, and I like how she worked to spruce up his bathroom and make it livable, which did make him very happy. He wasn’t quite as keen on her entering his wife’s room, and he seemed particularly thrown by his unexpected visitor at the end of the episode. I’m certainly more intrigued than I was before this and will continue watching.

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