Tuesday, March 1, 2022

What I’m Watching: Ghosts

Ghosts: Season 1, Episode 8 “D and D” (B+)

Of course the Revolutionary War soldier Isaac wouldn’t believe in handwashing but he would be all about the Eye-Sac, his invention that he could use to look at someone but which, paired with a sneeze, could result in an accidental assassination. It was obvious that he had a different secret than romantic feelings for Nigel, and the soldier he clearly likes did not take the news of how he died well. Fortunately, the two of them were incredibly bored by Dungeons and Dragons and chose instead to settle their differences and go for regular walks together, even if they haven’t yet gotten to the point of verbalizing how they feel about each other. Jay was so downtrodden after he got booted from his league because of his unreliable Internet, and it was great to find out that Pete is also a fan of the game, which enabled Jay to finally feel like he was one of the crew since he could engage in something that they enjoyed too. Sam trying to lie to him about the ghosts not being into it didn’t work so well thanks to Trevor’s creepy mirror-writing, and it’s good that she told him she would happily do it for him, something that he was eager to share he had done with book club. It must be trippy to film this show and stage every scene twice, once with all the ghosts there and then again without, which I’m sure also makes things feel much emptier in that large house that is much too big for just two people and no undead spirits.

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