Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Round Two: Roar

Roar: Season 1, Episode 2 “The Woman Who Ate Photographs” (B-)

This episode wasn’t nearly as compelling as the one before it, and it just didn’t feel like it really went anywhere. I’ll confess that I was probably distracted by the fact that both Nicole Kidman and Simon Baker were using their native Australian accents, something that I feel is very rare considering the prominent American parts they’ve both played over the years. They’re no stranger to television roles, with Kidman recently winning an Emmy for “Big Little Lies” and Baker being a familiar face from “The Guardian” and “The Mentalist,” as well as a short-lived role in between that I enjoyed on CBS’ quickly-cancelled “Smith.” This episode felt like it was wandering, and while there was an intriguing idea that maybe its protagonist was the one losing track of her memories rather than her mother who was actively dealing with dementia, that wasn’t expressly stated and so it remained a bit too abstract for my tastes. Ultimately, this felt like more about a reconciliation between two people who hadn’t actually been able to properly see each other for a long time, with someone who was struggling to hold on to what she had left as her memories were slipping away as the unintended guide for that journey. It’s always good to see Kidman on screen, but this was not her most memorable performance or role. I’ll have higher hopes for a fresh start in episode three and beyond, and I’ll be watching to see if there’s a real connective thread between the installments or not.

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