Saturday, April 16, 2022

What I’m Watching: Billions (Season Finale)

Billions: Season 6, Episode 12 “Cold Storage” (B+)

I’m not always fond of this show’s eagerness to switch up its chronology so that it can pull the rug out from viewers by illustrating the incredible duplicity that its two protagonists are capable of time and again. But in this episode, the difference was that both of them lost. Prince has been trying to prove that he’s not like Axe, that he is a good person who follows laws, and in order to make sure that he didn’t incriminate himself, he allowed $3 billion to just evaporate into thin air. Chuck was so sure of what Prince did that he was willing to stake his reputation – and his freedom – on it and ended up getting arrested because he was wrong. But it was Dave who played them both, watching Prince carefully on the surveillance cameras so that she could tell if he was guilty and then getting Chuck out of jail because she filed the warrants preemptively so that he was actually acting at her direction. This sets up an interesting scenario for season seven where Chuck is undercover, pretending to be disgraced but still working to help Dave take him down, and that should at least be new and potentially intriguing. Kate definitely made the wrong choice, not that she’ll know that anytime soon. Rian coming forward about her relationship with Prince ultimately helped her get much closer to Taylor, and it’s probably for the best that their dynamic is built on friendship and not romance. I did find the meeting in which Wags suggested that they kill Rian and Scooter responded only with a moderately reassuring “probably not” quite entertaining, and I’d like to think these guys aren’t capable of anything quite as nefarious as they often insinuate. The promotion of Prince to co-protagonist-antagonist has been good for this show, and I’m ready to come back for season seven without any hesitation.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Corey Stoll as Mike Prince

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