Tuesday, April 19, 2022

What I’m Watching: Call Me Kat

Call Me Kat: Season 2, Episode 15 “Call Me Tiny Boo-Boo” (B+)

I wasn’t sure how this show was going to handle Kat and Max kissing, and I like that Kat wasted no time in sharing that with Phil and Randi, subtly bringing it up as part of their regular meeting agenda. It was particularly bad timing for Oscar to have gotten a promotion and been eager to celebrate with everyone, and Kat deciding that she needed to break up with her only made that more uncomfortable. While he wasn’t quite as forgiving and pleasant as she thought in the dream she had where he ultimately decided to drink the poison with her so that at least they could die together, he did choose to propose, which she nervously accepted only to take back later, which was unfortunate. He didn’t need to guess what the reason for her change of heart was, and Max chose the wrong moment to try to console him, which is going to make things very awkward, if Oscar even sticks around since he could theoretically only show up whenever he has a package to deliver. Max did get a nosebleed to match the one he gave Nicole, and they had a sweet date at the emergency room that revealed connections beyond their musical prowess, but it seems distinctly unlikely that they would be able to proceed now that Max is going to have to explain why it was that Oscar punched him in the face. This doesn’t mean that Kat and Max get together, but they may finally have another shot to get it right this time.

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