Monday, April 25, 2022

What I’m Watching: The Flight Attendant

The Flight Attendant: Season 2, Episode 2 “Mushrooms. Tasers, and Bears, Oh My!” (B+)

This show has such a large cast, and I’m glad to see that we’re getting familiar faces back from season one in addition to the many new members of the ensemble in this season. It was good to see T.R. Knight back as Davey, staying in town to support his sister as she hit her major sobriety anniversary. Jenny, who is quite an intense character, seems obsessed with him, but she also appears to want to get close to Cassie, which could mean that she’s in on this frame job, even if her being so obvious about it might not be the best cover for that being her true aim. Grace is suspicious to be sure, but she may be involved in other things that don’t have anything to do with Cassie. Meeting Annie and Max’s new neighbors Gabrielle and Esteban quickly revealed them to be threats that they have no idea are targeting them, putting them in a very dangerous situation. While Max drooled over Marco when he met him, Annie did have an absolutely terrible job interview, answering questions in a way that made it immediately and abundantly clear that she was not the right fit at all. Cassie flashing to that room where the many versions of her were taunting her is a device that’s growing on me, one that is maddening to a degree but also represents how she is trying to resist falling back into behavior that she knows isn’t good for her, even if she’s hopeless to escape it. I’m not sure what’s going on with Megan, but it’s very strange and seemingly precarious.

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