Sunday, April 10, 2022

What I’m Watching: Super Pumped

Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber: Season 1, Episode 6 “Delete Uber” (B+)

It’s fascinating to watch the implosion of Uber based on the objection to its principles and actions, and to see how the poor responses from Travis and other higher-ups did even more damage than the very toxic culture that they fostered. Dan O’Sullivan didn’t have any sort of following when he started that hashtag, but it caught on, and the decision that made Austin furious to turn off surge pricing at the airport to “stand with passengers” during the taxi strike was a particularly bad PR move (as well as a moral one, considering the reason for the strike). The driver’s video that he posted was also very damaging, and Travis’ unwillingness to even hear about the many things he should reconsider how he handled showed how he wasn’t ever going to be up for changing them. His mother’s tragic death came at a time when he was right in the middle of it all, with Angie showing up to offer largely unacknowledged support, following Gabi’s quick decision to leave him when he indicated just how little he thought of her. Bill did manage to get Travis to take to heart much of what the board decided, but of course he’d still be there during the big announcement about all the changes which were headlined by Emil’s dismissal and Travis taking a leave of absence. Since I didn’t follow this story as it happened, I’m intrigued to see how it all plays out in the finale, with that tease of some major information-sharing with a reporter at the end of this episode.

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