Thursday, May 12, 2022

What I’m Watching: Tehran

Tehran: Season 2, Episode 2 “Change of Plan” (B+)

I’m not sure we would have a show if Tamar and Milad left Tehran, and so therefore it’s equally good and nerve-wracking that they’ve decided they have to stay behind to execute their mission, which is quickly heating up. Unfortunately, Milad needing to get Vahid to work with him meant outing Babak as a cheat, which then meant that Babak was angry enough to show up at his door ready to bang it down. This was an important and miserable moment for Milad, one in which he was forced to take deadly action and make his first kill, one that will not endear him to the mission that he’s now part of to get to Mohammadi. Faraz was pleased to be reinstated but it’s going to be quite an adjustment for him to have to report to someone else, even if Ali is eternally loyal to him, and his wife seems particularly upset with the idea that he would abandon her when she ended up being collateral damage because of his over-involvement in all this in the first place. The puppet master, Marjan, seems ready to confront both problems facing the mission which are difficult but also different, since Milad won’t want to be told that he needs to stay or to stay away, and getting Faraz off the scent will be challenging in its own right. Working directly with Yulia is a good thing because she’s protecting Tamar above all else, but it’s a dangerous job that’s going to involve cutting someone out of the equation.

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