Thursday, June 2, 2022

What I’m Watching: Barry

Barry: Season 3, Episode 4 “all the sauces” (B+)

I’m always thrilled to see Annabeth Gish on any show after watching her in underrated roles on series like “Brotherhood” and “The Bridge,” and this seems like a particularly intense part, that of a wife broken by her husband’s sudden and inexplicable execution by none other than Barry. Though it took some convincing, she and her son, along with others, seem ready to track Barry down and get their revenge, which couldn’t come at a worse time for the distracted actor. After Sally’s meandering speech, Katie felt moved enough to speak and tell her that Barry was a violent guy, and she finally went for it and broke up with him. He was already frazzled from having the detonator app suddenly work while he was on the phone with tech support, and for the first time in a while, he’s being selfless and focusing on others like Cousineau and Cristobal. Things didn’t look good for our favorite secret couple when Fernando read straight from a transcript of their phone call, and it was good that Cristobal happened to be standing by the door and was able to get out mostly unharmed to be reunited with the man that he was supposed to shoot in the head on his father-in-law’s orders. Cousineau also now has a weight lfited, after realizing that even Joe Mantegna doesn’t hate him anymore because of how the Barry article was spun and now he just has money and a hitman no longer breathing down his neck.

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