Friday, June 10, 2022

What I’m Watching: Gaslit

Gaslit: Season 1, Episode 6 “Tuffy” (B+)

It was interesting to see Frank show back up in the limelight when he really doesn’t want to be associated with all of this Watergate press, and it feels like he’s living a completely different existence. Getting let go from his job because he was too much of a distraction was an unfortunate fate, but he also didn’t seem to want to fight against the machine he managed to sort of stop through simply doing his job in the first place. John’s attempt to convince Martha not to testify by saying that he supported whatever she decided to do didn’t seem to be working at first and then looked like it might, but one of the great enemies of compromise is the introduction of an uncooperative element that just shows how much better victory would be. I’m always thrilled to see Amy Landecker in any role, and she was perfectly cast as Lurleen, one of the few people who was happy to see Martha in Arkansas but who revealed a deeper shame that, coupled with the cruel way she was treated, pushed her to go through with what she had intended all along. Magruder’s testimony was a disaster worthy of mockery by puppets, and Dean going in without a lawyer didn’t seem like the best plan. While he did decently and felt quite good about it, the bombshell news that there were bugs in the office is going to ruin all that. Even while suffering through a miscarriage, Mo has done a great job of bolstering him, which may not continue if certain conviction looms.

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