Tuesday, June 7, 2022

What I’m Watching: I Love That For You

I Love That For You: Season 1, Episode 4 “Impeccable She Casuals” (B+)

It’s not helpful for Joanna to think proactively about how to get out of her very awkward and inescapable situation when one of the only people who does know the truth, her mom, pivoted immediately to the positives of her hair looking straight, the fact that she’s having fun, and that she’s ultimately still raising real money for real kids with cancer. It probably also isn’t a good thing that Patricia now does have cancer and isn’t eager to talk about it, since Joanna is now at risk both of telling someone else that information and confessing to Patricia that she’s been making this up all along. Beth Ann is closest to the truth out of anyone, but Darcy isn’t putting much weight in that theory, which might be enough to get her to move on. Beth Ann has her own issues at home related to not having had sex for ten months, something that seemed to horrify and disgust Darcy, and he’s about to make a very bad decision by buying an expensive bag on Patricia’s titanium card. This episode was a fantastic showcase for Molly Shannon, who got out of the car and screamed at the speaker at McDonald’s because the woman wouldn’t just give her a McFlurry without the ice cream, and then she started being uncooperative on the air, earning her a near-immediate reprimand from an unamused Patricia, who has no interest in having her hand forced by noncompliance. There may be hope for romance between Joanna and Jordan after all, provided the circumstances don’t get too complicated and Joanna doesn’t lean too heavily into the relationship.

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