Friday, June 3, 2022

What I’m Watching: This Is Us (Penultimate Episode)

This Is Us: Season 6, Episode 17 “The Train” (B+)

This has always been a show that interacts well with sentimentality, and saying goodbye to one of its characters felt most appropriate in this way since we didn’t actually get to see the Rebecca of the moment in a conscious state. Instead, we met her younger, vibrant self, away from all the things that might have distracted her or stressed her out, guided through a train of her formative memories by William. Since there’s just one more episode and there remain many threads that have yet to be fully closed, this is the best that we’re going to do, and I appreciated that almost everything that wasn’t happening on the train was set in the future so that we could get a better glimpse of how everyone gets along. Toby joking about his previous issues with Kevin and then confirming to himself that Rebecca liked him more than Philip was funny, and it was sweet to see multiple generations of the family coming together. It’s fortunate that Kate made it in time to say goodbye, and that Rebecca got to see Jack in bed as the last part of her journey that also involved Dr. K and other influential figures from her past and the show in general. It was nice to learn that Déjà and Malik are still together and that they’re having a baby, and that Randall was filled with excitement about this development that Beth already suspected. Like most, I wasn’t sure what was going on with Dulé Hill and Kelly Jenrette and this new character Marcus, but it’s great to have a last-minute addition that helps to give additional meaning to the day that Jack died. I don’t know what to expect with the finale, but I’m sure it will be emotional and memorable.

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